Enormous amount of money

If you had a billion US dollars, how would you spend it?

One Instagram scammer asked me similar question awhile ago. It was about 5k dollars and I send them links for charity websites. Sadly they only wanted my PayPal rather than donating them straightly to those in need. Did not send any of my info ofcourse, it’s too common to lose your email accounts or other things with these kinds of thing. Be careful on the Internet!

Back to the subject; How would you spend that enourmous amount of money.

  • Investing and saving
  • Help my family and friends
  • Travel all around the world and do the things I would love to do.
  • Pay away my loans and also the loans my family/friends have so they would have a fresh start
  • Give to charities that would really help people, animals or nature in need
  • Help the homeless and would love to have shelters and safeplace for them and other people/families in need, with cozy atmosphere, food and options to wash themselves and maybe somekind of a kickstart to get back to the society and get on track with their life. There could be free counceling with different areas in life for them as well if they need/want any. Place where everyone is welcomed and not judged. “What goes around, comes around” as in kindness. I would wish that place to be kind and it to spread kindness to outer world as well.
    • Would love to help small businesses to thrive.

This post made me a bit emotional because it made me remember how many things I would want to change in this world. All the not so great things with hatred and people, animals or our nature suffering. There are greatness and many beautiful things as well but destructive nature of some makes me just so utterly sad.

I’m yet again waffling and changing the topic probably for the millionth time but let’s all try to be more kind and maybe one day, in this dream utopia, there would only be love.

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