Language buzz

What language do you wish you could speak?

I wish I could learn many different languages. When you understand something for example written text in other languages you have this big “Woah”- moment, where you start to add things together, or at least it’s like that for me. I’ve been atm kinda learning many languages on duolingo. But when I was in my upper secondary high I studied russian and swedish. I know basics of them but I’m not sure if I could hold a conversations. Sincerely hope I will one day. English we started studying at the age of 9-10. Nowadays I’ve heard they start it already on the first grade (7-8yo).

I’m frequently having these new language obsessions, where I’m really into learning them and finding similarities and differences with the same words. I’m adding them together and feeling victorious, inspired and utterly facinated. So much similarities – at least in the same language families. How many doors would be open to a different places and coultures – when you understand even some basics. It would be amazing to read native books in their native languages. Watching movies and listening to music from totally different coultures. So much beauty and richness.

I think it’s a treasure to have so much variety. I wish there would be even more appreciation towards different coultures and languages. Nothing is completely bad or good, there are always many perspectives to take into consideration.