To be or not to be successful;

How do you define success?

the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.

Oxford Languages

Being successful means so many different things to people. Therefore there are unlimited ways to be successful. Depending on your own goals and values.

Having good relationships with others would be success for some and some would calculate success financially or by acquiring their financial goals.

This whole subject is really hard, but i also found a pretty cool and relatable article about how to define success.

Defining success in my own life
I’m not 100 percent sure if I’m successful as the goals and dreams change over some period of time. You always want more or at least are craving for something more, was it learning new things or being a little bit better etc. But if the definition is accomplishing your goals – I have accomplished many things. I finished high school and upper secondary high, got my driver’s license, occupation and a job which I am pretty good at. I am able to pay my own bills and have attained a good relationship with myself over the years. I have amazing relationship with my family and friends. Also having my own support and drive towards “being more and learning more”.
Maybe then I am successful after all – in my own way.

Success is trying your hardest to get where you want to go or trying to be the best version of yourself, being happy most of the time and maintain good relations with others. I wouldn’t mind being succesful financially in the future – but for me that is not the only right way for success.